595x842 - If he were an actor, he would be in adventure movies.
Original Resolution: 595x842 Be Get Used To If he were an actor, he would be in adventure movies. 595x842 - When we are talking about repeated actions or habits that happened often in the past or situations that no longer exist, we can also use two other verb forms:
Original Resolution: 595x842 Present And Past Habits Would describes repeated actions, but not states, while used to can refer to both repeated actions and states. 720x540 - Used to refers to past habits and states which were true in the past but are not true any more.
Original Resolution: 720x540 Expressing Habits And Repeated Actions Past Off2class Used to and the modal verb would with a past meaning. 655x368 - We can use would with the same meaning as used to only when we're talking about past actions or habits not when we're talking about states.
Original Resolution: 655x368 Past Habits Used To Would And The Past Simple Grammar Intermediate To Upper Intermediate British Council One of the points it makes is that would can be used for repeated temporary states in the past; 1200x630 - Hi sabrina, would is used for past states!
Original Resolution: 1200x630 Level 2 Page 2 Markesol Using would in present, past, and future. 768x1024 - Also, learn about the differences between would and used to in the past in this lesson.
Original Resolution: 768x1024 86541 Intermediate Gw 07a Intermedio 4 Syntax Grammar (= we are becoming accustomed to it.) 2. 763x1079 - Hi sabrina, would is used for past states!
Original Resolution: 763x1079 Used To And Would English Esl Worksheets For Distance Learning And Physical Classrooms One of the points it makes is that would can be used for repeated temporary states in the past; 560x315 - Used to and would, as can see, are both used for past habits.
Original Resolution: 560x315 Using Used To And Would For Repeated Past Actions And Habits English With Kim Using would in present, past, and future. 247x350 - In this posting i talk about discussing past habits, actions, or states of being using used to, would, and the simple past.
Original Resolution: 247x350 Would Past Habits B2 Upper Intermediate Lesson Plan For Esl By Team Tefl I knew that she would be very successful in her career. 3508x2481 - We use would when we are talking about the past but we want to talk about something which was in the future at that time (in the past).
Original Resolution: 3508x2481 Past Habits Used To English Tenses What are the negative and interrogative forms?